Sunday, March 1, 2009


hey everyone 
i started the twilight books and they are really good i suggest u read them if u are in 7th grade and up...
they are cool
"Twilight" by stephanie meyers


Monday, February 16, 2009

Movie report!

here is the latest movie report!!

these are good movies to rent!

For fun

Meet the robinsons


and for suspense..
I am legend

Saturday, February 14, 2009

You been bloopered in the morning!!!

where i live, i can get this is the mornings!! its really funny, the radio station DJ calls someone and tricks them!! listen from this link, it its really funny! and person from germany, thanks for coming and come back soon!!

i love this!!

Dvd and theater movie report coming soon..
also kool website links coming soon....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Book report

Oh yeah!
new thing here maybe weekly or just maybe when i read a new book... iDK but I'm here and this is the book report where i will post 3 GREAT books I've read lately!!!

Maximum Ride : The Angel Experiment

By James Patterson

City Of ember


Monday, February 9, 2009

California Academy Of sciences

today i went to the academy of science! its so cool u should visit it! its located in San Francisco,California near golden gate park !! near there is a cool place called the Japanese tea gardens so that's fun 2 !
So anyway they have a huge planetarium, tons and tons of aquariums,sting rays that are really cool, the buildings roof is really cool its covered in grass and flowers you can walk on the roof, they have good sandwiches, and coco milk, 3 foot long sharks, and stuff like that!
The planetarium was cool because i learned that twenty light years away theres a planet orbiting a red dwarf star named gliese 581 and the planets name is gliese 581c and it is perfect 4 life!!! The aquariums were really really cool because you saw like all these tropical and saltwater fish like the ones from movies. the blue tangs,yellow tangs,clown fish,royal grandmas,mini tetra sharks, and cool plants from the BIG aqua (ocean). They also had larger tetra sharks that were at at least 2 feet long. The stings were cool although a little creepy because they are really really deadly(they killed the crocodile hunter dude). The roof of the buildig the academy of science is in has tons of skylights and mounds of dirt with grass on them and the whole roof has grass!!! the food there was pretty good! i had a sandwich with ham,lettuce,mustard,wasabi,and on a french roll. but none of the drinks were cold so that kinda sucked (i had to drink a not cold clover choco milk)!! they had a nice gift shop but the prices were high. i had really fun so u should visit.
I will have pictures and video soon!
Peace Out
_Mystery Dude_

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Who's been here before you or is with you??

whos been here besides you??

heres the map! if its flashing then they are online

whos online with you? how many ppl